What specialist services and expertise are available at, or accessed by, the school?

Paradigm Trust buys in support from outside agencies, as this is needed. We work closely with specialist schools in the locality. Across the trust, we have a specialist deaf support base (within Culloden Primary) for pupils with hearing impaired needs.

We also draw upon the following services:

  • occupational therapy
  • child psychology
  • speech and language therapy
  • attendance and welfare advisory service
  • hearing impaired service
  • visually impaired service
  • behaviour support service
  • children’s social care
  • specialist health services
  • child and adolescent mental health service
  • specific learning difficulties team.

Families are supported by a network that includes the school, audiology services, specialist speech and language therapy and the children with disabilities team. Parents/carers are also put in touch with voluntary organisations such as the National Deaf Children’s Society.

Last updated August 25, 2022