How accessible is the school environment?
Schools have a legal duty to write a plan setting out how accessible they are to all pupils. These plans can be obtained from the administration office of the respective schools. These plans detail how we make adaptations to the curriculum and the learning environment to meet the needs of all pupils.
Those pupils who join our schools with a disability and who require specialist equipment will meet our SEND team, to discuss the use of certain equipment and training for staff. Visual timetables are used for some individual pupils, alongside individual work stations, because of visual and/or language impairment.
The acoustic environment at Culloden Primary Academy is appropriate for deaf pupils with hearing impairments. The fire alarm system has visual signals to alert deaf children and adults. Radio hearing aids which are used in conjunction with individual’s personal hearing aids or cochlear implants are available to all hearing impaired pupils. Staff with the responsibility for audiology equipment maintain this equipment on a daily basis.