Paradigm Trust | 09/07/2024

Alan Tobias OBE


Alan became a Director of Paradigm in June 2024.

He is a qualified Solicitor with a strong record of senior management in both the public and private sectors.

His primary career was in local government, where he rose to become a London Boroughs Chief Executive the majority of his working life in Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest. On leaving local government he was appointed Chairman of Essex Probation Service where he served for six years.

He then moved into the Health Service and was appointed Chairman of West Essex Primary Care Trust for 4 years before being appointed Chairman of Southend Hospital Trust in 2011. Uniquely, in 2019 he also was also appointed concurrently to Chair Mid Essex Hospital Trust. When those hospitals merged together with Basildon Hospital to form MSE NHS Trust in 2019 he was appointed Vice Chairman.

Along the way, Alan also sat on the Springboard Housing Trust, served as a Trustee to Leyton Orient Charitable Trust, was a Director of a PLC and an IT Company.

In 2004 he was awarded an OBE for services to the Probation Service and service to community relations.

Teaching | 04/06/2024

Nurturing Minds and Bodies: Healthy Eating in Schools

Establishing healthy eating habits during childhood gives a strong foundation for a lifetime of wellbeing. Schools play a crucial role in promoting healthy dietary behaviours, so by creating an environment that prioritises nutritious food choices, we give our pupils the ability and the confidence to make informed decisions about their diet and cultivate habits that support their physical and intellectual growth. 

Healthy eating is not purely about physical health. It has a wider effect, improving cognitive function, academic performance and a person’s overall wellbeing. Research has consistently proven the connection between nutrition and academic achievement, with studies showing students who have balanced diets perform better academically and display evidence of improved concentration and memory.

A study published in the Journal of School Health found students who consumed a higher quality diet, including more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, had better academic performance compared to those with poorer dietary habits. Research published in the British Journal of Nutrition indicates nutrients (such as omega-3 fatty acids) are essential for cognitive development in children, and an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, such as iron and zinc, has been linked to improved cognitive function and attention span.

Education and awareness are the first steps in helping pupils and students understand the importance of healthy eating. By including nutrition education in the Paradigm Trust curriculum across the stages, we are able to teach them about the importance of balanced diets, food groups, the importance of vitamins and minerals, and nutritional value. This culminates in our Hospitality and Catering option that students can take at KS4.

As well as standard lessons, the Trust organises workshops and guest lessons featuring professionals from the food and health industries to engage pupils and provide them with practical knowledge about healthy eating. Farm trips are arranged so children can understand more about the provenance and seasonality of food, and we use resources including digital media and printed posters in schools to reinforce key messages about nutrition and healthy food choices.

Alongside learning about the principles of nutrition and healthy eating, pupils have practical cooking lessons to teach them these valuable life skills. They introduce the concept of creating nutritious meals from scratch instead of relying on unhealthy pre-prepared food, and give an understanding of the processes involved in cooking.

To encourage healthy eating habits, it’s important that students always have access to nutritious food while at school. School lunches at Paradigm Trust schools are provided by Lunchtime Co., a caterer that prepares its menus carefully, following the School Food Standards Guidance in combination with the nutrition criteria of the Government Buying Standards for Food and Catering Services. Variety is a key consideration in what they create, so different fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses, meat and fish are incorporated across the week, to serve food that looks good and tastes good too. 

But it’s not just lunchtimes that are important for healthy eating, there needs to be a focus throughout the school day. Paradigm Trust has implemented measures to ensure pupils are always able to eat healthily; from EYFS, when pupils are supplied with daily fruit and vegetable snacks, to secondary school where vending machines contain a wide range of healthier options. 

To create a supportive environment for healthy eating, we design school spaces that encourage healthy behaviours. These range from providing designated eating areas to integrating health-oriented messages throughout the school. A supportive environment reinforces the importance of healthy eating and complements educational efforts.

Establishing healthy eating habits in children and young people is only possible with full buy-in from the adults in their lives. By gaining support from parents, teachers and other prominent influences, it becomes easier to promote a culture of healthy eating. This can take many forms, such as including stakeholders in school meal planning, nutrition education, and extracurricular activities to build a shared commitment to student health. 

Promoting healthy eating in our schools is a vital investment in the wellbeing and future of our children and young people. By prioritising nutrition education, providing access to nutritious food, teaching culinary skills, engaging stakeholders and creating supportive environments, we empower students to make informed choices that support their physical, cognitive and emotional health.

Pedagogy newsletter | 07/03/2024

Pedagogy Newsletter 177

Teaching | 06/03/2024

The value of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities can play an incredibly important role in a student’s educational journey. They give children and young people the chance to explore beyond their classrooms, providing them with the opportunities to discover new interests and learn new skills. 

Another significant benefit is that they provide wraparound care for children and young people, benefitting working parents/carers as well as the students who attend the extracurricular clubs.

However, it is important to recognise that not all students have equal access to these opportunities. Disadvantaged children often find themselves on the periphery, missing out on the numerous benefits that extracurricular activities offer. So schools must find strategies to open up access to all students, so their background or current circumstances does not impede them.

The benefits of extracurricular activities

A study published in the Economics of Education Review by Stephen Lipscombe found that when it came to extracurricular activities, athletic participation is associated with a 2 percent increase in maths and science test scores. Club participation is associated with a 1 percent increase in maths test scores, and involvement in either type of activity is associated with a five percent increase in Bachelor’s degree attainment expectations.

It’s absolutely crucial however, to not make the mistake of approaching these extra-curricular activities solely as a support for subjects on the mainstream curriculum. Each one has their own intrinsic value and can spark an interest or uncover a passion which students carry with them for years to come, either simply as a pastime, or something that influences their choice of a profession in later life. 

Paradigm’s core principle is that its curriculum prepares pupils to lead fulfilling lives and to play an active, positive and productive role in our democratic society. In essence, the value of extracurricular activities lies in the holistic development they offer, contributing to well-rounded individuals ready to face the challenges of the future.

Extracurricular activities often provide an opportunity for the cultivation of social skills and teamwork. Whether through sports teams, games clubs, music ensembles or other activities, students learn to collaborate, communicate effectively, and appreciate the importance of collective effort. These experiences have the potential to not only contribute to personal growth but also prepare students for the collaborative nature of the world of work.

Taking part in extracurricular activities is also a positive way for children and young people to build cultural capital. Participation exposes students to a variety of new experiences and environments, and this exposure can help them develop a broader understanding of different cultures, perspectives, and ways of life. Participating in arts, music, drama and other creative activities can allow students to express themselves and develop an appreciation for various forms of cultural expression. This exposure enhances their cultural capital by fostering creativity and aesthetic awareness.

Finally, clubs can also encourage pupils’ attendance, as they provide something additional that a pupil may look forward to coming to at school.

Removing barriers

As many extracurricular activities come with a fee, cost can be prohibitive for some students. To mitigate this at Paradigm some schools work with organisations such as Magic Breakfast Clubs which allow them to reduce the cost significantly. Others pool resources with nearby schools and run activities jointly, making them more cost-effective for families and schools alike. And through Paradigm’s Hinterland programme activities such as music lessons are subsidised and supported in a way that both reduces costs and also encourages more pupils to take part. 

As noted above, extracurricular activities can act as wraparound care, benefitting working parents, however the reverse can also be true. Pupils may have responsibilities at home outside school hours which prevent them from staying late, such as looking after younger siblings, or the parents themselves. Or the early start / late finish may not fit with times parents can do the school run. To accommodate this, schools across the Trust hold many clubs during lunch breaks, which gives students who are unable to stay after hours the chance to enjoy extracurricular activities. The Hinterland curriculum also moves some experiences which would be extra-curricula in many schools into the full curriculum, making them accessible to all.

By having a wide range of extracurricular activities on offer, children and young people have access to learning and experiences they may not receive otherwise, helping them become more rounded individuals for the future. And by putting measures in place to overcome barriers and help every child access them, we can make the biggest difference in pupils’ lives.

Paradigm Trust | 09/02/2024

Pedagogy Newsletter 176

Pedagogy newsletter | 30/01/2024

Pedagogy Newsletter 175

Pedagogy newsletter | 24/01/2024

Pedagogy newsletter 174

Teaching | 17/01/2024

School attendance – reversing the decline


School attendance is a pivotal factor in a student’s overall development and future success. Yet across the country school attendance has dropped significantly – why is this and what can we do to reverse this trend?

The situation then and now

In 2016, figures from the Department of Education revealed overall absence for both primary and secondary schools had dropped from 4.7% to 4.4% of sessions (either morning or afternoon). This was the highest school attendance record in a decade.

Six years later and government figures reveal over the 2022/23 academic year more than a fifth (22.3%) of pupils in England were persistently absent, i.e missing at least 10% of their school sessions.

What changed? The subject is far too complex to have a sole cause, but it’s obvious the Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on children and their school attendance. A study by consultancy Public First discovered there has been a massive shift in parents’ attitudes towards school attendance since the lockdowns, with a significant proportion choosing to take their children on holiday in term time. It also revealed these breaks are now being seen as socially acceptable. In its conclusion the report states: “Pre-Covid, ensuring your child’s daily attendance at school was seen as a fundamental element of good parenting. Post-Covid, parents no longer felt that to be the case, and instead view attending school as one of several – often competing – options or demands on their child on a daily basis, against a backdrop of a more holistic approach to daily life.”

Head of Ofsted, Amanda Speilman, noted in her final annual report that the pandemic had ‘left a troublesome legacy’, which is partly shown in lower attendance numbers.

Health issues, both physical and mental, are also exacting a heavy toll on attendance. Illness was the main cause of absence amongst pupils (and staff) in 2023, and much of this can be linked directly or indirectly to Covid.

 The Benefits of Regular Attendance

One of the primary advantages of regular school attendance is academic success. Students who attend school consistently are more likely to stay on track with their studies, grasp key concepts, and excel in examinations. The continuity of learning that consistent attendance provides is fundamental for academic achievement.

Data from 2019 shows that 84% of pupils in Key Stage 2 who had 100% attendance achieved the expected standard, while only 40% of pupils who were persistently absent managed to hit their target.

The pattern repeats at secondary school. Pupils who didn’t achieve a grade of 4 to 9 in maths and English on average had missed 10 more days over the key stage than those students who achieved grade 9 to 5 in both maths and English. It’s estimated that just 17 missed school days per year will result in a drop in GCSE grade.

Beyond academic results, school is also a crucial environment for social and emotional development. Regular attendance allows students to form lasting friendships, engage in extracurricular activities, and develop the essential interpersonal skills they’ll need in adult life. 

School attendance also instils discipline and a sense of responsibility in students, qualities that are invaluable for future success. Employers often seek people who demonstrate reliability and commitment—traits that are cultivated through consistent attendance from an early age.

Strategies to Improve Attendance

Implementing effective strategies to improve attendance requires a comprehensive whole-school approach that addresses the root causes. However, it’s key to treat each case individually, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Focus on Success

Because students are less likely to attend school if they find lessons unengaging and irrelevant, we take great efforts across Paradigm Trust to teach in a way that results in students feeling they are doing something worthwhile, but also secure enough that they feel safe. This feeling of achievement then helps them become more engaged in lessons. The methods we use to do this are continually reviewed in all our schools to find ways we can refine and improve, which are then shared across the Trust.

Parental Involvement

Parents play a crucial role in ensuring their children attend school regularly. We promote parental involvement through regular communication, parent-teacher meetings, and highlighting the importance of attendance for their child’s future. In some cases we have found it beneficial to help set up a timetable for the home, and found offering to collect pupils from their home in extenuating circumstances to be effective in supporting families to break some of those barriers to good attendance. 

 Early Intervention and Support

Identifying attendance issues early on is essential for effective intervention. Paradigm goes to great lengths to establish a supportive environment in all its schools where students feel comfortable discussing their challenges can lead to early intervention and prevent prolonged absences. 

This can take many forms, such as a large pastoral team as at Ipswich Academy, our secondary school in Suffolk; or Home School Support Workers and Attendance Teams as at Culloden Primary Academy in East London. School nurses provide another contact point for children struggling with issues that restrict their attendance, or there may be other avenues to take, such as bringing in external agencies. Paradigm’s London schools for example are working with external Impact Ed. to try and address the core issues behind poor attendance.

Communication is also key to understanding and taking effective action. Old Ford Primary Academy has recently surveyed pupils and parents, and is now using that feedback to create an informed action plan which supports pupils with attendance.

Positive Reinforcement

Recognising and rewarding good attendance can motivate students to attend school regularly. Schools can implement attendance awards, certificates, or even small incentives to celebrate students with high or significantly improved attendance. Examples used at Paradigm schools include weekly attendance competitions, half term parties for classes with the best attendance, non-school-uniform days and prize draws.


By having a range of tools available, and taking the time to understand each student’s particular situation, it’s possible to respond effectively and improve school attendance. After implementing a soft start room for students to come into at the start of the day with a member of the pastoral team, Ipswich Academy is now seeing students come into school everyday this year who didn’t attend school at all the previous year. Similar success stories are happening across the Trust. 

Through this work more pupils are spending more time at school, and as a result are better educated and better prepared to succeed in their adult lives.

Pedagogy newsletter | 15/01/2024

Pedagogy Newsletter 173

Paradigm Trust | 30/10/2023

New Principal appointed at Culloden Primary

Following a rigorous Principal recruitment process, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Tahreena Ward as the new Principal of Culloden Primary Academy. 

Tahreena Ward standing at the school gates

Tahreena has been working as Interim Principal at Culloden since last December, when previous Principal, Ben Carter, took up the role across our Trust of Director of School Improvement. She is a very experienced leader, having also worked across the Trust’s other London schools, and we are confident she’ll continue the good work at Culloden and take the school to many further successes.

Last updated October 30, 2023