Science in EYFS

  • Spring 1- Dinosaurs – living things
  • Spring 2- New life – eggs and chicks, living things.
  • Summer 1- Rainforests – habitats, climate, animals and plants.

Science in KS1

Autumn 1Plants and SeasonsPlants and Seasons
Autumn 2Materials and ForcesMaterials and Forces
Spring 1Animals including HumansAnimals including Humans
Spring 2PlantsPlants
Summer 1MaterialsMaterials
Summer 2Living things and their habitatsLiving things and their habitats

Science in KS2


Autumn 1Living things, their Habitats and ClassificationLiving things and their Habitats and Classification   States of MatterEarth and spaceStates of Matter   Living things and their habitats and classification
Autumn 2Earth and SpaceEarth and Space   Animals including humansLiving things and their habitats and classificationAnimals including Humans   Earth and space
Spring 1Forces and MagnetsForces and Magnets   Electricity  Rocks / Evolution, Inheritance and FossilsElectricity   Forces and magnets
Spring 2RocksRocks   PlantsForces and magnetsPlants   Evolution, Inheritance and Fossils
Summer 1Light and SoundLight and Sound   Living things and their Habitats and ClassificationY5: Properties of materialsLight and Sound
Summer 2Properties of materialsProperties of materials   Environmental issues: Global warming Pollution Plastics    Light and SoundEnvironmental issues: Global warming Pollution   Properties of materials  

Science in KS3

Autumn 1Lab Skills Human body: organs, tissues, cells.Combustion Periodic tableKey concepts in biology
Autumn 2Human body: sexual reproduction. fitness, skeleton, muscles and blood.Metals RocksCells and control
Autumn 3Adaptation and the environmentFood and nutrition, plants and their plant reproductionGenetics
Autumn 4Solutions, mixtures and separationBreathing and respirationMotion
Spring 1Acids and AlkalisSimple life – single celled organismsForces and motion
Spring 2Particle model Atoms, elements and molecules.Fluids:  particle model Density, pressure and dragConservation of energy
Spring 3Energy: from food; transfers; fuels.Light and soundStates of matter and methods of separating and purifying substances.
Spring 4Current electricity, ForcesEnergy transfersAtomic structure
Summer 1WavesEarth and SpacePeriodic table
Summer 2Light and SoundEarth and spaceIonic and covalent bonding
Summer 3Project workProject workRevision and assessment
Summer 4Project workProject workProject work

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Last updated September 6, 2024