History in EYFS

  • Autumn 1 – Marvellous me – a chronology of my life
  • Spring 1- Dinosaurs – in the past / change


1ChildhoodBuildings and Towns
2Food and TradePunishment and Medicine
3Ancient GreeceRomans (not British)
4Roman impact on BritainAnglo-Saxons and Vikings
5In depth study: what is the significance of the Tudors?Compare and contrast Islamic world and medieval Christendom
6In depth study: The impact of the Industrial Revolution on Britain and the rest of the worldIn depth study (WW1): What was the impact of WWI on individuals and families? After a general introduction, life in the trenches, a focus on families, the home front and poetry.


Year Term#1Term#2Term#3
7The transition from Anglo-Saxon to Norman EnglandPower in Medieval England – Church and State The Reformation in England. 
8The Atlantic Slave TradeThe Industrialisation of BritainThe British Empire and Colonialism
9WWIWWIIModern World History

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Last updated September 21, 2023