Admissions Consultation

Paradigm Trust is consulting on the admissions arrangements for all the schools across the Trust for the academy year 2023/24 in line with the School Admissions Code 2021. 

The consultation is taking place for a period of six weeks, between 17 December 2021 and 28 January 2022.

Why are we consulting?

The Trust must set (‘determine’) admission arrangements annually. Where changes are proposed to admission arrangements, the Trust must first publicly consult on those arrangements. If no changes are made to admission arrangements, they must be consulted at least once every 7 years.

We have a statutory duty to consult on admission arrangements if we intend to make a change.

The changes being proposed are as follows:

Solebay Primary Academy – Nursery admissions to be coordinated by the school and no longer by the Local Authority as part of the nursery coordinated admissions process.   

You are invited to review the admission arrangements (linked below) and any questions or responses should be sent to

On conclusion of the consultation on Friday 28 January 2022, all responses will be collated and presented to the Trust Education Committee for full consideration.

The outcome of the Consultation will be posted on the Academy’s website along with the final admissions policies for 2023.

Proposed Admission Arrangements

Last updated December 17, 2021