Jo Brown – Director

Jo Brown joined the Trust as a Parent Director in February 2024.

Jo is a parent of two children, both of whom attend a Paradigm school. Jo was previously chair of the Academy Council at Murrayfield Primary Academy (MPA) for several years and stood down when her youngest son moved to secondary school. As chair of the Academy Council, Jo was closely involved with MPA attending academy council meetings, and joint academy council meetings with other Trust schools and also played a part in the Principal recruitment process at MPA.

Jo is currently working as a full-time gardener for her own gardening business. Before she had children she spent 14 years at Ipswich Hospital where she was a team manager and in charge of the staffing team for over 200 nurses and administration staff. This involved managing ward openings, and budgets for the staffing team and ensuring the staff were working within safe working hours.

Last updated May 7, 2024